* Drill below is alarming, 2nd "drive thru" vaccination exercise. Is this how it will all end-the US military stopping us in cars and injecting us?
Health officials plan drive-through drill VA
The first 600 adults to roll down their window and roll up their sleeve on Nov. 5, at the Culpeper County Sports Complex will receive a free flu vaccination. The vaccination drive-through, hosted by the Rappahannock-Rapidan Health District between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., is part of an emergency drill that will test the efficiency of mass drive-through vaccinations in the event of a bioterrorism attack or naturally caused disease outbreak"We encourage people to come out because we want to be tested to the max," said Kathy Hatter, the district emergency planner for the Rappahannock-Rapidan Health District. "We encourage the public to come out so that we can test our system. The vaccinations are free, and it shouldn't take long. We want this to be a test of our ability to give 600 immunizations in a short period of time."
The drive-through is open to adults 18 and older. Participants will pull into the drive-through, fill out a consent form, then receive a flu shot in the arm from a nurse. To keep the flow of cars going, 25 health department staff and 20 Medical Reserve Corp (MRC) volunteers will be administering the vaccine to residents through their car windows. "What we're practicing next week is a mass vaccination test with a different approach," Hatter explained. "You'll see that a lot of other regions are also conducting mass vaccination tests, but ours will be conducted in a drive-through dispensary." While patients will fill out the necessary paper work onsite in this practice run, according to Hatter, local newspapers would be asked to print and deliver the paper work to residents in order to conserve time in the case of an actual bio-terrorist attack.The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which provided the 600 vaccines, defines bio-terrorism as the deliberate release of viruses, bacteria, or other germs used to cause illness or death in people, animals, or plants. Biological agents can be spread through the air, water, or in food. Some, like the smallpox virus, can be spread from person to person while others, like anthrax, cannot. Many can be extremely difficult to detect and do not cause illness for several hours to several days. There are three categories of bio-terrorism agents according to their priority. Category A agents, deemed highest priority, include anthrax, smallpox, plague, botulism, tularemia, and viral hemorrhagic fevers. These agents are considered high-priority because they can be easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person; result in high mortality rates; might cause public panic and social disruption; and require special action for public health preparedness.Category B diseases, deemed second-highest priority, are moderately disseminated, and result in low to moderate mortality rates. Category C includes emerging pathogens (biological agent that causes disease or illness) engineered for mass dissemination in the future. While the Rappahannock-Rapidan Health District has, fortunately, never had to respond to a bio-terrorist attack, because of the potential for large-scale dissemination, it must be prepared. "We focus on all different kinds of agents, including the Category A pathogens, as well as other bacteria and viruses," Hatter said. In the meantime, residents can benefit from the opportunity to get a free flu shot. "A flu shot for an uninsured patient normally cost about $30," according to Dr. David Compton, district health director for the district. "This is an opportunity for individuals who may not be able to afford the vaccine to get a flu shot." The Culpeper County Sports Complex is located just off U.S. 29 on Route 666 (Greens Corner Road).Call (540) 948-5481 or (703) 934-0623 for more information.
Spy agency supports California wildfire relief effort (NGA)

WASHINGTON -- Emergency responders battling wildfires in southern California have received technical help from an unusual source: a spy agency. The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, part of the Defense Department, normally provides classified imagery and mapping intelligence for national security purposes and to support overseas combat missions.
But since President Bush declared California a federal disaster zone on October 24, the NGA has been working closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, producing up-to-date satellite and aircraft images of the affected areas overlaid with maps of critical infrastructure such as roads and electrical lines. (cont...)
Russia accused the United States on Wednesday of accelerating attempts to deploy anti-missile defences in central Europe, despite
Moscow's request for a freeze on the project.
Washington's negotiations with Poland and the
Czech Republic over installing the defences "have not only not been suspended, but additional measures are being taken to speed them up," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Mikhail Kamynin. "There is the impression that the United States is trying to make the realisation of its plans irreversible," Kamynin said in a statement.
Kamynin also reiterated Moscow's dismissal of US accusations that Iran presents a military threat. Russia does not support "a holy alliance against this country," he said. (cont...)
BMD Watch: THAAD exo-atmosphere success
By MARTIN SIEFFUPI Senior News AnalystWASHINGTON, Oct. 31 (UPI) -- The U.S. Missile Defense Agency carried out a successful test of its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptor system Saturday.MDA Director Lt. Gen. Henry “Trey” Obering said in a statement that the THAAD interceptor had successfully destroyed a ballistic missile target at the Pacific Missile Range Facility off the island of Kauai in Hawaii."Preliminary indications are that planned flight test objectives were achieved. The intercept involved the 'exo-atmospheric' -- outside Earth’s atmosphere -- 'hit to kill' destruction of a unitary -- non-separating -- target representing a 'SCUD'-type ballistic missile launched from a mobile platform positioned off Kauai in the Pacific Ocean," the MDA said. (cont..)
Terrorism drill sees port in a storm http://www.shanghaidaily.com/sp/article/2007/200711/20071101/article_336603.htmSHANGHAI Yangshan Deep-Water Port was on full-scale "terrorism alert" yesterday.Organized by the Ministry of Communications and the city government, the 2007 Port Facility Security Exercise of China focused on testing the mettle of maritime, rescue, port and police authorities in the event of a terror attack. (cont..)
Vt. Guard to conduct military exercises at airport this weekend
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